Cultural Spaces (An example of the Limit Conditions the people face)

All cultures have spaces of ceremony and tradition, both sacred and part of everyday life. We often don’t see them within our own culture until we are taken out of our comfort zone and required to navigate them within another culture. We often don’t see the impact strange cultural spaces can have on our person. When we do it helps us to understand the world that Indigenous people face daily.

Dirty Assumptions

I was recently told a story about a black African visitor to an Australian Indigenous community. This man went to visit an important Elder in the community…
This is a story about sitting in the dirt, about the ‘cultural glasses’ that we wear and the assumptions we can make.

Understanding Indigenous “Poverty”- Making it History

In recent times the word “poverty” has been used broadly to refer to the situation in many remote Indigenous Communities in Australia. But for most people poverty conjures images of the poor from 3rd world slums. The Indigenous peoples of Australia face very different situations. I think it is worth stepping back and considering what Indigenous “poverty” has in common with the situation of the worlds poor. What can this tell us about how so called “Indigenous poverty” can be overcome.

Culture Shock 101

Having moved to a remote Indigenous community about 4 months ago, my wife and I have recently started to go through the struggles of culture shock. In this article I take you through some of the causes, the symptoms and how to manage Culture Shock. The essential basics of surviving what can be the most difficult part of working in an remote Aborignal or Torres Strait Islander community in the first year.

Site Update

You can now see the new design for the Cultural Worlds blog. It features white background for text, and a magazine style layout to help you see the range of articles we have available.  We hope the result are more user friendly.…

When Indigenous Advocacy Does Damage

“The poverty experienced by many Aboriginal people is as morally reprehensible as torture and must be eradicated”, Amnesty International secretary-general Irene Khan says.
Strong words, but is such ‘advocacy’ helpful. I argue that moralistic bites such as this are in fact dangerous. While advocates feel that such statements point out government failures, they can actually be harmful to the people they are meant to protect. I consider why this is…