Please help us get Yolngu back into business

December 2023 WW News Letter Yolngu once traded with the Macassan wind traders out of Macassa for...

What is cultural competency?

Some may think cultural competency is the same as cultural awareness. However cultural awareness ...

Two Way Abuse in Aboriginal Communities

Last week we heard the news that a nursing sister was killed in the small community of Fregon. A ...

The lights are on but nobody is home

Different Ways of Communicating Question: “How do I work with limited eye contact and little obvi...

Don’t be like a buffaloes “Calling Card”

 Community Development Tip – December 2014 Building trust and relationships Question: “I ex...

What is real community development?

Community Development Questions December 2013 As mentioned in our newsletters, we are going to tr...

Why learn an Aboriginal language?

Learning an Aboriginal language has so many advantages that you could write a book about it. Sadl...

The Dangerous and Costly Intercultural Grey Zone

It seems strange when you think about it. While well funded and well resourced dominant culture p...

My body is owned by this land

Jessie Pangas, a member of the AHED Project team, explores the concept of “home” in a...

Is Why Warriors Cross-Cultural Training Relevant Outside of Arnhem Land?

                  Is Why Warriors cross-cultural tra...

What is good cross-cultural training?

Cross-cultural training is a difficult subject to talk about due to a whole range of factors. One...

Letting go of our power

Ben Pangas, AHED Facilitator in training, drove right up the middle of the country from Tasmania ...